Have you ever wanted to visit a faraway place but can’t because it takes too long to get there? Someday soon you may be able to get there faster. A company called Space X is working on exactly that. The trip from New York to London takes about seven and a half hours by plane. Space X wants to fly rockets that will make the same trip in only 29 minutes.
Saving time when traveling has always been important to humans. The distance from Taipei to Kaohsiung is 361 km. That would take days on foot! Taking a car, bus or regular train will get you there in about four hours. The HSR (high speed rail) can do it in only one and a half hours! That means you have more time to do other things, like explore the city. Imagine the extra time you would have if you could take a rocket!
Even though getting to new places in a rocket would be very convenient, there are some problems too. The technology for a passenger rocket can look a lot like the same rockets that countries use to attack each other. Some people are worried it will be difficult to tell the difference between an intercontinental ballistic missile (IBM) and a passenger rocket.
Traveling by rocket may not be very comfortable. Rockets speed up very quickly, making some people sick.
It takes time to get everyone on and off of a train or plane. Some people think it will take even longer for rocket ship passengers. That means for some trips, it might not be faster than a regular airplane.
Rocket fuel is like gasoline for a car—it burns and leaves behind things that pollute our air.
Sure, these rockets may be fast and cool, but how much are the tickets? Flying in an airplane from Taipei to Los Angeles costs thousands of dollars. The same trip could cost much, much more than that!
Space X is working on taking you to the other side of the world. In the future, they even want to fly passengers to the moon and build a city on Mars. In the meantime, they recently helped Taiwan. In August this year, Space X used their Falcon 9 rocket to launch Taiwan’s first homegrown satellite into space, the Formosat-5.
Space X正在研發地球上的火箭之旅,未來,甚至還可用火箭載客到月球,或到火星建造城市。Space X最近也協助臺灣,今年八月該公司的「獵鷹九號」火箭,將臺灣第一枚自主製造的「福衛五號」衛星,發射到太空裡。
If something becomes very popular quickly, like those fidget spinners did, we might say that it skyrocketed. You might hear adults talk about the prices of things skyrocketing, or going up quickly.
對於願意考慮購買 Moto Z 系列的消費族群而言,這款手機受到青睞的關鍵原因之一,多半認真考量到一系列 Moto Mods 模組帶來的擴充能力。隨著新模組問世,就代表手機又多了一項值得升級的特點,而不會受限既有硬體而一成不變。
▲Moto Z2 Play 與它的 Moto Mods 模組好朋友們。(圖/記者鄭惟仁攝)
▲Moto Z2 Play 機身背面下方有金屬連接點,而每個模組也都有對應。(圖/記者鄭惟仁攝)
▲ Moto Mods 透過磁鐵吸力與 Moto Z 系列手機連接,並在下方連著空間,要拆卸時手指用力就可以板下來。(圖/記者鄭惟仁攝)
Moto Insta-Share投影機背蓋模組
對於經常在旅行時觀看影片,或者必須對外進行簡報的族群來說,智慧型手機如果能追加投影能力,一定會有立竿見影的幫助。LENOVO 針對 Z 系列推出的 Moto Insta-Share投影機模組採用 LED 光投射方式,只要環境光不要太亮,其實投出來都會有優於預期的表現。
▲Moto Insta-Share投影機背蓋模組。(圖/記者鄭惟仁攝)
▲Moto Insta-Share 投影機背蓋模組亮度與飽和度都有水準表現。(圖/記者鄭惟仁攝)
Moto Z 系列模組裡頭,最令人在第一時間心動的,應該就是這組與哈蘇技術交流而誕生的十倍變焦相機模組了。在與 Moto Z2 Play 連接之後,立刻變成一款大約等同 28-280mm、涵蓋廣角與望遠端的十倍光學變焦相機。缺點則是光圈不大,廣角端 F3.5,望遠端 F6.3,在夜間或室內盡可能用廣角或中距離,避開望遠端光圈小的缺點比較好。而在畫質方面,則算是中規中矩,尤其望遠端畫質較軟,但話說回來,市面上多數主打輕薄的高倍變焦數位相機也有一樣的問題。
Moto 為 Z 系列推出的電池模組,能讓手機在缺乏充電機會的環境,例如旅行或長途搭車的時候,提供更充沛的電力。記者覺得 Z2 Play 本身續航力已經肖當不錯,甚至待機時間也比許多電池容量近似的機種稍久,再加上 Moto TurboPower電池背蓋模組提供的充沛備用電量,很適合旅行人士搭配使用,也少了掛一顆行動電源的不便。
整體而言,Moto Z2 Play 是一款很有特色的中階智慧型手機,外觀看起來也頗有與眾不同的樣貌。加上豔麗的 AMOLED 螢幕,令人讚賞的續航力。最重要的當然還有 Moto 設計的一系列背蓋模組,讓這款手機隨時可以變身為高倍變焦數位相機,投影機,音樂播放器等,如果你願意花錢加購的話。
然而需要留意的是,Moto Z2 Play 訂價可能是令多數潛在買家猶豫的原因。畢竟市面上多數採用相同 S626 處理器的機種價格往往便宜得多,倘若 Moto Z2 Play 改用S660 等級想必更有競爭力,不過考量到金屬機身、模組擴充能力都需要成本,若把 Moto Z2 Play 視為中階智慧型手機裡比較精品定位的產品,或許較能理解了。
不過模組化概念固然有趣,目前 Moto Mods 模組售價大多過高,例如投影機和相機模組都要價 9,900 元,讓 Moto Mods 本身能為 Z 系列手機提供的助力降低不少。倘若模組售價能針對 Z 系列手機使用者提供更親民的方案,將更有長期話題性與市場接受度。